FAQ -> Tests & Surveys -> How to create a new poll?

How to create a new poll?

 Select the Tests & Surveys Tab in the left sidebar menu in the Dashboard. Then create a new poll.

  1. Poll Name - here you add name of your poll/survey
  2. Select the type of poll: Survey or Test
  3. Max duration – Choose the duration of your survey/poll – up from 1 minute to 3 hours
  4. Add Questions - here you are adding questions to poll/survey (see Add Questions Menu)
  5. Cancel - If you don’t want to create a poll click this button


  1. Question - add your question here
  2. Answer type - you can choose from three kinds of answers. “Single” - means that the attendee can choose only one answer. “Multi” - means that the attendee can choose few answers to one question. “Open” - means that the attendee needs to give his/her answer.
  3. Answer Text - you can add possible answers to your questions here
  4. Add an answer - if you need more than two answers please click this button to add another answer
  5. Poll Details - will give you the poll info. Remove question – delete the question you don’t need. Another question - add another question to your poll/survey
  6. Save the Survey
  7. Cancel - if you don’t want to create a poll click on this button
  8. Add file questions - you can also add file answers
  9. Audio file questions - you can also add audio file answers

You have two types of Polls to choose from: Tests and Surveys

If you choose a Test - the next step is to determine how many points will be enough for your users to pass the test. 

1. Choose the type of Poll - Test

2. Decide how many points will be enough to pass the test

3. Randomize questions - let them appear in random sequence