FAQ -> Meetings & Webinars -> Leave Page URL

Leave Page URL

What is it?

Leave page URL allows redirecting participants to a selected website after the event is finished.
To make it work, it is necessary to start a new session, and then close it once the event is done.

LiveWebinar room dashboard

How to access it:

When logged into your account, click on the green button in the top-right corner “SCHEDULE WEBINAR” (this will also work while editing not just while creating a new webinar). You will open a page with the tabs as the following sequence “Details” --> “Edit” --> “Leads Form” -->“Advanced”.

LiveWebinar dashboard

Click on the Advanced tab to see all the options. One of the options is "Leave Page URL". This is what you are looking for. Please provide an HTTPS:// (under SSL) page URL and it will be used to redirect your participants to that page after your webinar ends.

LiveWebinar dashboardLiveWebinar dashboard